Simons Chiropractic has served the Carolinas for over 30 years. With a reputation for excellence in his field, Dr. Dirk Simons designed his practice to provide an array of treatment approaches, including Chiropractic Adjustment, Massage Therapy, as well as state of the art therapy offered by The Magnesphere System™. Simons Chiropractic is located at 9705 Northeast Parkway, Suite 600 a short drive from Independence Boulevard, SouthPark, and Matthews.
“I’m committed to providing cutting edge technology along with traditional spinal manipulation that can change lives for the better—faster.”
— Dr. Simons, Chiropractor for 30 years Founder of Simons Chiropractic.
Dr. Simons is one of Charlotte’s leading chiropractors because of his commitment to researching and implementing the latest, most...
I highly recommend Dr. Simons. He has worked miracles to keep my body refreshed and maintained. As an officer, I need my body to be in tip-top shape and seeing Dr. Simons every week helps me do just that.
"Officer Warren, Chiropractic patient since 2000"
Breakthrough Technology:
The Magnesphere™ System
"What if you could drastically improve your specific ailment or simply improve your overall health without drugs, surgery or pain? This is the future of chiropractic care and, in the Charlotte region, it’s only available at Simons Chiropractic".
Introducing the Magnesphere™ system, developed by Magneceutical™ Health.
For decades, scientists have known that our bodies are electrical systems. Clinicians routinely utilize equipment that alters molecular organization, such as the commonly used MRI test. Now, doctors understand how low-level electromagnetic fields (EMF), set at need-specific frequencies, can positively impact various health issues and achieve fast relief to even chronic conditions. And the Magnesphere™ System is completely safe, simple, and affordable.
Already, scores of patients using the Magnesphere™ device are experiencing life changing results in sessions lasting 60 minutes or less. This whole body immersion system utilizes very precise, extremely low level EMFs to “enhance feelings of relaxation.” That relaxed state is the starting place of healing.
Some patients even choose to purchase a mobile version of the device. The HALO (Home and Lifetime Option) brings these benefits directly to the patient’s home—or anywhere—every day.
Find out how you can find better health now at Magneceutical Health™ on Facebook.
Equipment provided at Simons Chiropractic are clinically proven and expertly maintained. Here is an overview of some of the the...
Therapy Equipment
In the search for optimum health, Dr. Simons recommends a few products that can be purchased at the office. Since we are not a ...
Monday, Wednesday and Friday For our exact hours Click here.The office is closed on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday except for specialty therapy appointments and emergencies.
New or Current Patients. If you wish, you may call ahead on the day you need to be seen, or simply walk in for the same day appointment with Dr. Simons.
Find us at:
Simons Chiropractic
9705 Northeast Parkway, Suite 600
Matthews, NC 28105
Phone: (704) 847-3848
Copyright © 2017 Simons Chiropractic